How Does Poor Posture Affect Overall Health? - Advice from Chiropractor Santa Ana.

Do you ever notice aching muscles in your shoulders and neck that seem to come from sleeping or sitting too long? Poor posture can be the cause. Whether it’s slumped over at a desk, or hunched up when standing, chronic poor posture can have much more serious consequences than just feeling stiff. If left untreated, this kind of imbalanced posture can lead to significant health issues as well as decreased quality of life. A chiropractor is uniquely qualified to diagnose and address poor posture. In this blog post, we will discuss how poor posture affects overall health with advice from Chiropractor Santa Ana . 1. What is Poor Posture and Common Causes of Poor Posture Poor posture refers to the way a person holds their body when sitting, standing, or lying down that places excessive strain on muscles and joints. It is a common problem that can lead to discomfort, pain, and even long-term health problems if left untreated. Some common causes of poor posture include: Use of technology: Pe...